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Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

The whirlwind that is my life continues, and I am currently in DC, en route to Philadelphia tomorrow.  I hope you are all enjoying your week so far!

Since opening my blog, on a whim back in 2009, it feels as though I have gotten to know so many great people through it, but rarely do we actually meet, or get to know them, outside of blogland.

However, on Friday, I got to meet some of the bloggers behind the blogs that I've been reading at a blogger meet up we coordinated in New York City and it was so much fun! 

I want to thank Whitney (The Middle of the Street), Alissa (Graceless Lady) and Shay (A Girl. A Story. A Blog) for our adventure together, even if it involved Keanu Reeves, instead of our preferred Ryan Gosling! ;)

You are each such kind and wonderful people, and it was so nice to meet each of you in personand add a little life to the lovely ladies I have gotten to know from behind my computer.

It was through Whatever Wednesdays that I got to know Whitney and Alissa a bit better each week, and their blogs truly represent who they are and all the fun that follows each from Utah and Albany, NY!

As for Super Shay, as I refer to her, I've known her through our blogs a bit longer, but am still now sure how it is that I first stumbled upon all the wonder and glory behind the girl, story and blog, but am so thankful that I did!  She knows how to make you laugh and is full of a life and sarcasm that shines, in person and through her blog.

Till next time, ladies, thank you for the laughs and memories...I look forward to keeping up through your words and pictures! :)
NYC Blogger meet-up on November 1, 2013 - Whitney, Moi, Shay and Alissa

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