Happy Sunday, Bogland!
We've been in training as we prepare to open the first luxury hotel in Times Square with an address at the crossroads of the world! Needless to say, I have had little time to do anything but work and sleep.
During this training, we have had different key speakers come in to train and talk to us. During which, I was reminded of the importance of putting thoughts to paper, or text as it may be in bogland.
On Saturday, I came across the below quote and it really hit me.

Whenever life appears to be going well on all fronts, something will, undoubtably, come into play that will knock you down on one of those fronts.
I'll never fully understand this, but I will continue to trust the journey. Believing that things unfold as they should, and happen in order to keep us working towards something better and staying appreciative of the good while we have it.
Life on the work front is truly incredible, and I am so thankful each and every day. When you find yourself surrounded by co-workers whom you consider family, you know you have found something rare and special.
However, for me, it is hard to fully enjoy it when you have no one with whom to share it, outside of my wonderful family. The older you get, and I'm far older than people ever realize, the harder is to accept. Especially, when you believe you are a good person with a lot to offer. At the end of the day, it isn't up to you, it is up to life and where it guides you.
It's no secret that life did not unfold as I thought it would, and I was more on track when I was younger than I am now as an adult, which seems slightly backwards. However, as the quote above expresses, even if you are broken, you can still shine, and I intend to do just that.
For me, it is about living a life for which you can be proud, helping others, being kind, staying positive, smiling and finding happiness in the small things. Brightening someone else's world more than your own.
Does this mean you will always receive good in return? No. That is just a part of life. You win some and you lose some. Bad things happen to good people, just as good things happen to not so good people. That is a part of life.
That said, it won't stop me from smiling on a daily basis, I would truly die without one. Making others smile is what makes me genuinely happy, and maybe, just maybe, I'll find someone who will fully appreciate me for me one day...only time will tell, and for now, I've put looking on hold indefinitely.
I think we all wish we could go back and unmeet certain people. Or wonder why they crossed our paths, but we have to remember that they did so for "a blessing or a lesson...a reason, a season or a lifetime," and we just never know which one it may be.
To me it is just a part of life, nothing more and nothing less. I will continue to be the best person I can be, and those who chose to be a part of it can stay and those who don't can leave.
We only have today with no guarantee of tomorrow. So, live in the now and enjoy each moment as best as you can without trying to figure it all out.
Life is full of ups and downs, it's all part of the adventure or enigma as it apprears to be to me.
