Happy Friday, Fashionable Friends!
Just a few pictures from the past week, and it included lots of fun with many friends, some of which I haven't seen in years! I hope you all have a lovely weekend ahead! :)
Looking like Shirley Temple right after my hair comes out of hot rollers! :)
Awesome cloud formation rolling in before sunset by the water in Brooklyn Heights.
Beautiful sunset in Brooklyn Heights looking out towards NYC!
Mini reunion dinner at Urban Table.
Some ladies with whom I went to high school and I all met up for a mini reunion.
Heavy rainfall that looked pretty.
Throwback Thursday on Instagram from my days playing Leslie on the sitcom "Eve."
My nephew turned 1 month old...I heart him!!! ❤
I love getting surprise cards in the mail!
Good friends from childhood and I met up for a Sunday fun-day in NYC!(Images taken on my iPhone via my Instagram.)
