(image by Liesl Ehardt via my Instagram)
Dear Bogland,
As many of you know, things have been truly wonderful for me lately.
I feel so thankful to be surrounded by the love of my extraordinary family, true friendships that will last a lifetime, an incredible team at work, whom I consider family, to be living in New York City, have so many supporters of my blog, here and on social media, and for where I am personally in life, on every front.
I have been reminded, during many moments in my life, how short life truly is, and how important it is to truly do things you want to do, and say things you need to say, now.
Living in the moment has become a new motto in my life, and a constant reminder that you have to follow your heart and live life fully in the now, today.
I want to let those in my life know how thankful I am to have you in it. You are each key players in the happiness my life holds. Without out you, my life would not be as bright.
However, I also want to thank those who were in my life at one time. You were a part of my story, you led me to where I am today, and it took each of you, in good times and in bad, to put me right where I think I was meant to be. For that, I will always be grateful.
You need the difficult times to appreciate the great times. Each makes you stronger, helping to shape you into the person you are today, and towards who you will be in the future.
To all of you who celebrate today, I hope you have a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are surrounded by love, inspiration and hopefulness, and you never forget to believe. ❤