Happy Monday, Everyone!
I hope you had a lovely weekend! Here are just a few pictures from the past week or so via my Instagram.
I plan to post an affordable fashion post and fun DIY project very soon! Until them, thanks for all the sweet comments and messages, and I'll be back from Whatever Wednesday!
Also, check out our artist Greg Holden, who wrote the very popular song "Home," he's offering 4 of his songs as FREE Download Sampler to enjoy and sample his news songs!
Remembering to smile, even when skies are gray.
Oh how I love getting cards and letters in the mail!
Moving day was a bit of a wash out!
Pretty cotton candy sky in Marlboro, NJ.
Though I'm not a big beer drinker, I had to try one at The Ginger Man, which is known for the best beer in Manhattan!
Abstract art we created as part of my new weekly mentor volunteer program I'm doing with kids in Harlem.
Fun CD wall art at work, created out of multiple, mini CD racks.
Throwback Thursday: Charming wedding on Pawleys Island
Washington Square Park Arch on a gorgeous NYC evening.
My birthday surprise...sparks sure flew! ;)

a talented artist and great person with whom I work.
