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Good Morning, Everyone!

50 years ago today, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, TX.  In a split second, history and the world was changed, and I think part of the innocence of a nation was lost forever.

Although I was not around during this time, I, along with most people, grew up learning about JFK.  However, I also heard about it from my parents who remember exactly where they were the moment it happened in 1963, which happened to be a Friday, like today.

JFK was an inspiration to many, and his death had a great impact on my mom, dad and the nation.

With the weight of the event, my dad drove to Washington, DC with friends to be there to whiteness JFK's funeral.  He got to see his casket go by with the flag draped solemnly over it.  A moment he vividly told me about this week with the 50th anniversary of his death upon us.

On May 8, 1964, my mother wrote her Sociology 1 class thesis on JFK and the day he died, which she beautifully titled, "In The Summer of His Years."  Her paper can now be found in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum in Boston, MA.

After receiving a perfect score on it, her teacher submitted it to the Kennedy's.  Shortly after, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy personally wrote a letter to my mother, which she received while at the College of St. Scholastic in Minnesota, thanking her and letting her know a copy would be placed in the library.  To this day, I feel so proud of my mother for this, more so than I think she realizes!

Today, I will join the country during a moment of silence for John F. Kennedy.  A man who impacted, and continues to impact, the world.  

Mrs. Kennedy's biggest fear was that, "her Jack" would be forgotten after his death.  So, I'm sure she is out there somewhere smiling because he is being honored and fully remembered.

I came across the above quote by JFK and placed it with his image.

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