Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

Life has been throwing me cure balls lately, and unfortunately, someone with whom I grew up just passed away. It is believed that his heart just gave out, though we aren't completely sure due to its sudden and unexpected nature.
Heart complications are something with which I'm all too familiar, after going through them with someone a few years ago who was once a big part of my life and again later with my extraordinary father.
Except this person, and close friend of one of my dearest friends, was not given a 2nd chance.
What hurts most is knowing that he would have been thrilled to have had that chance and so very thankful for it. He was always so nice to me and such a good person, consistently happy, positive and with a smile, for which he was known, shining on his face.
In the end, some people are given a second chance and some are not, that is a part of life. It just made me wish that each person who received one was appreciative of it. At least for those, like our childhood friend, who didn't get one, but I've witnessed how that is not always the case.
It brought back memories I'd like to forget, but also reminded me, once again, how important it is to live in the now because it is the only thing that is truly guaranteed.
I'll never fully understand life, but no matter how many ups and downs I experience during my time living it, I am thankful to have one, and will continue to do my best to be a good person, help others and simply face each day with a smile on my face, especially, when it's not easy! :)
