I know I have been on a bit of a break, but I wanted to stop in and let all of you know how much I have appreciated your support e-mails and sweet comments left here, on my Instagram, Facebook and beyond...you all brighten my life more than you know, and for that I want to say, Thank You! :)
Today, is Hearts Day, as I refer to it, and although so many dislike this day, I have, for some reason or another, always enjoyed it for the opportunity to wear a little red or pink, sport a heart accessory and simply spread a little extra love and joy to those around me.
Valentine's Day doesn't need to be about being with someone special, in a romantic way, though it is lovely if you are, it is about letting those in your life know how special they are to you.
For me, getting homemade Valentine's Day cards from my nephews, surprise flowers from my best friend, thoughtful cards from my sisters, little heart paper wrapped goodies and chocolates or cookies from my incredible mom and dad always makes me feel loved no matter what or where I am.
Many of you know that cards mean more to me than anything. I would take a card made for me or picked out just for me with the time taken to write something special inside over a gift with a money value attached any day. They have always been my favorite part of any holiday and always will be.
So, going to my little mailbox in the city and seeing it filled with so many pink and red envelopes from friends and family has simply warmed my heart...and that for me, is what today is all about.
From me to you, I truly hope each of you has a very Happy Hearts Day and feels loved, in even the simplest and smallest of ways, from someone with whom you care about in your life. I'm sending hugs and smiles to each of you with true appreciation attached!
I'm off to grab a bunch of hot chocolates, add hearts to the cups and deliver them to some of the homeless in NYC, whom I pass daily. They always smile back at me and are so kind, never asking me for a thing, and I hope this warms their heart and soul just a little bit...they deserve love today, too. ❤
SIDE NOTE: If you get a change, hop on over to Google's Homepage today, they have the cutest little Valentine's Day animation and audible love stories...made my girlie heart tear up a bit! :)