Happy Saturday, Bogland!
I hope you are all having a great new year and relaxing start to the weekend. Along with my new layout for the new year, I've decided to make a slight change to my popular Saturday Sayings posts.
Since I love creating and designing, each of the inspirational quotes I post as part of Saturday Sayings will be created and designed my me moving forward. Instead of pulling and posting those I find on Pinterest and beyond, as I did previously.
That said, I will continue pinning, sharing and spreading other creative inspiration I find and enjoy on my Pinterest page. In doing so, if I find designs I love, I will post them here, from time to time, and credit it with a direct link to the source right under the image, per usual.
Enjoy, and please feel free to share some of your favorite quotes and/or words of inspiration, whether from others (just please credit them) or in your own words, in the comment below these posts on my blog, on my Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter pages.
You never know, I may turn one of yours into a Saturday Saying quote design and share it here and on all my social media with a special credit to you. Yay!

ALL quote images and layouts created and designed by Liesl Ehardt.