Happy Monday, Lovelies!
Saturday, August 17th, was my birthday, but I'm not really one to tell people it is my birthday, and I definitely don't make a week or month of it, like some. That said, my friend Jenny always insists on putting together a little gathering, which is very sweet of her!
This year, we did a low-key evening at a wine bar called Lelabar, in one of my favorite areas of NYC, the village, followed by a new spot called The Winslow. I suggested we not do dinner and just meet for a couple drinks because I didn't want people to have to spend a lot of money or any if they didn't want to.
I'll admit, I'm flattered when I get carded or people think I'm younger than I am. Like in NYC where everyone seem to always think I'm 24, which I credit to my parents and what must be good genes, but as of last night, one would need to add a decade to that number! Oh my! ;)
Let's just say when a number of guys asked me what birthday I was celebrating, their reactions and comments were priceless when it was a much higher number than anticipated.
Here are a couple classic things they said to me, and yes, these are exact quotes purely for your entertainment...
GUY 1:
"Oh nooo, we all thought you were 23, maaaybe 24!"
GUY 2:
"Oh. Congratulations, I guess?"
GUY 3:
"Ooooh, ooo-kay."(...as he slowly backed away with that deer in headlights gaze! LOL!)
"...Wait! Do you have kids?!?"(...because I suppose they assume everyone my age does.)
My Response:
"No, but I love them!"
"No, but I love them!"
His Response:
"Oh good...that you don't have them, because that would be such a burden...but you are at that age."(...as he walks away. Good to know he thinks that about kids. Next!)
GUY 4:
"I guess you're pretty sexy for your mid-30's"(...ummm, thank you? For real this time, next! Please.)
OK, enough of that, hope it gave you a giggle! :)
Thanks guys, I realize you think I'm too old, and have now discovered a definite downside to looking younger than you are. Especially, when most men prefer younger ladies and I enjoy them to be in my decade...le sigh.
That said, I didn't take offense at all, was super nice to them, and just laughed it off...before heading back to my nursing home, of course! ;)
Let's move onto the picture show of this post, shall we...
My lovely friends: Rekha, Morgan, Melody, Moi, Jenny, Beth & Jocelyn

I LOVE all my cards, which have always been my favorite part, and they now take over
my desk/work area and make me smile! :)
